SE15 1 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

SE15 1 is a postcode sector in Southwark, UK. Below is a complete list of SE15 1 Postcodes (Active). SE15 1 postcode sector comprises of 154 active postcodes. SE15 1 sector has a population of 7441, and it has 2880 properties in the region.

Browse Information On SE15 1 postcode sector

SE15 1 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7441
Addresses / Property Count 2880
Active Postcodes 154
Nearby Postcode Districts 29
Nearby Postcode Sectors 6

View Map Of SE15 1 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 154 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
SE15 1AA 51.47681000 -0.06816300 27 99 534257 177086
SE15 1AB 51.47738600 -0.06600800 15 43 534405 177154
SE15 1AD 51.47761200 -0.06552300 6 16 534438 177180
SE15 1AE 51.47745200 -0.06345600 22 82 534582 177166
SE15 1AF 51.47791900 -0.06343600 26 66 534582 177218
SE15 1AG 51.47804500 -0.06285500 23 53 534622 177233
SE15 1AH 51.47818700 -0.06604600 3 7 534400 177243
SE15 1AJ 51.47942900 -0.05683400 21 51 535036 177398
SE15 1AL 51.48215200 -0.05721100 N/A N/A 535002 177700
SE15 1AN 51.48159300 -0.05394800 N/A N/A 535230 177644
SE15 1AQ 51.48121500 -0.06643600 N/A N/A 534364 177579
SE15 1AR 51.48102600 -0.05711500 N/A N/A 535012 177575
SE15 1AS 51.47918700 -0.05354900 N/A N/A 535265 177377
SE15 1AU 51.47849800 -0.06800600 10 13 534263 177274
SE15 1AX 51.47896500 -0.06251300 8 18 534643 177336
SE15 1AY 51.47924000 -0.06230000 12 23 534657 177367
SE15 1AZ 51.47871200 -0.06622500 36 102 534386 177301
SE15 1BA 51.47930200 -0.06494700 21 61 534473 177369
SE15 1BB 51.47981200 -0.06422000 13 27 534522 177427
SE15 1BD 51.48001700 -0.06348000 3 4 534573 177451
SE15 1BE 51.47956200 -0.06381300 16 53 534551 177400
SE15 1BF 51.48404200 -0.05407700 N/A N/A 535214 177916
SE15 1BG 51.47961100 -0.06457400 20 49 534498 177404
SE15 1BH 51.47947700 -0.06627900 13 50 534380 177386
SE15 1BJ 51.47915000 -0.06665300 50 130 534355 177349
SE15 1BL 51.47875800 -0.06740400 51 159 534304 177304
SE15 1BQ 51.48021000 -0.06217300 7 11 534663 177475
SE15 1DD 51.47773100 -0.06021800 38 87 534806 177203
SE15 1DE 51.47824000 -0.05944800 29 39 534858 177261
SE15 1DF 51.47779400 -0.06129600 5 12 534731 177208
SE15 1DG 51.47818200 -0.06081800 16 38 534763 177252
SE15 1DS 51.47980100 -0.05594000 103 267 535097 177441
SE15 1DT 51.47957200 -0.05571900 N/A N/A 535113 177416
SE15 1DU 51.47957200 -0.05571900 N/A N/A 535113 177416
SE15 1DY 51.47926400 -0.05505500 36 100 535160 177383
SE15 1DZ 51.47926400 -0.05505500 38 84 535160 177383
SE15 1EA 51.47983500 -0.05529000 N/A N/A 535142 177446
SE15 1EB 51.47983500 -0.05529000 N/A N/A 535142 177446
SE15 1ED 51.48030400 -0.05648000 36 81 535058 177496
SE15 1EE 51.48096400 -0.05668200 32 54 535042 177569
SE15 1EF 51.48048400 -0.05593900 N/A N/A 535095 177517
SE15 1EG 51.48110300 -0.05527900 39 67 535139 177587
SE15 1EH 51.48142000 -0.05542400 26 77 535128 177622
SE15 1EJ 51.47962600 -0.05460800 19 31 535190 177424
SE15 1EL 51.48041400 -0.05440100 98 279 535202 177512
SE15 1EN 51.48041400 -0.05440100 28 90 535202 177512
SE15 1EP 51.48366600 -0.05034800 3 10 535474 177881
SE15 1EQ 51.48130500 -0.05447900 24 65 535194 177611
SE15 1ES 51.48041400 -0.05440100 26 84 535202 177512
SE15 1ET 51.48325700 -0.05073700 29 42 535448 177835
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